Working from home diaries – week three
So, week three of work from home is done and dusted. It’s been interesting. I have to say I am not a fan of screaming tantrums that last for 20-30 minutes by one female child. However, thankfully, her mother did not noisily engage in the tantrum as so often happens. That made a substantial difference as the background noise was something. The volume of ABC Classics was boosted and it was one of those, oh I don’t hear anything moments, that allowed me to realise that the tempest had wound down, however, it hadn’t stopped. It still took some time.
It is a sudden and gorgeous quiet that occurs at those times. Thankfully also, we didn’t have too much riding over the grate that is in the driveway – that sound is truly annoying and would likely have resulted in some confrontationary discussions.
This week saw the ability to be able to tidy the workspace a little. Although, when said child was not making noise, there was the dulcet tones of home renovations and planes operating.
It also saw work on the art of taking the break. That remains a work in progress. There was also an opportunity to frighten the hair dryer, for the first time in three weeks, and wear “work” shoes. That happens when one has to frock up for a court appearance, even if it is by Microsoft Teams. Funny, working from home but in order to do the appearance with the client, it was necessary to attend the office – love the anomalies…
I managed to sort two loads of washing in one day, although bringing in the second load did take some days…I managed to be a nuisance whilst the usually patient man of the household was preparing dinner and I also scared the dishwasher, repeatedly, by unstacking it of a morning whilst making coffee at the time that a mid-morning break should be enjoyed (by taking a walk to a nearby café and supporting their business).
I begin to wonder whether lunch time is too late for a G&T or maybe a cheeky sauv blanc…would it assist afternoon production rates? Given last week’s effort, probably not as they were as much as being at the office – and that is fairly high. Although, I must admit that during the autumnal heat increase, working in air conditioning at the office, is appealing.
So, week three having concluded, undertaken a relaxation/meditation session and planned some activities for next weekend, with fingers crossed that the slightly relaxed restrictions for this circus of Covid-19 comes good, I believe I am ready to receive delivery of the desk ordered at the beginning of week two work from home, and to continue doing the tasks that the weeks usually see me do, although I wouldn’t want to detract from the patient man of the house’s penchant for all things household chores related. I continue to have an aversion for joining queues at the grocery store – that is not something we do in this country, so weeknight groceries it is, much like “normal”. For now, another week checked off, travel plans considered and a desire to return to working arrangements that are a little closer to what we knew and life as we knew it. Cheers and be good…or good at whatever it is you are doing.